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Meeting – Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Chair – Marcia Lambert

Present: Chairperson Marcia Lambert, Amy Alpert, Mary Ellen Halliwell Sandra Power, Maryanne Piechocki,  Judith Wolfe   Absent: Sara Fiore, Bev Moustakis, Ellen Talkowsky
The Meeting was called to order at 7:45 P.M.

The minutes of the meeting held May 25, 2010 – The minutes were accepted as submitted.  

1.  Traffic Islands – Sandi has spent close to four hours a day for the past month working on various islands and making calls looking for island sponsors.  Sandi was asked to email a list of islands that are unsponsored and/or need maintenance help to Committee members.  Maryanne suggested that she can recruit volunteers to help maintain the islands.  Marcia suggested that we should identify “public spaces” that need attention.  Sandi submitted a report that is identified as Attachment A.   
2.  Clean Sweeps May 1, 2010 – This item was tabled.

3.   Public Art – Mary Ellen reported that she, Sam, Bev and Maryanne have had two productive meetings. The group defined their goal as one that will “celebrate and foster awareness of Salem’s vibrant maritime heritage, unite business and art communities in an event that delights tourists and Salemites.”  They discussed pedestals for the sprite, posters, and money raising ideas. They need to know whether the Committee can apply for grants.  They also learned a lot from a MooseFest information packet that Sam brought to the meeting.  The need to establish contacts with interested community business and organizations was recognized.  Maryanne volunteered to put together a list of such contacts. The bowsprit’s size was discussed. Mary Ellen reported that the figure comes only in the one size. Mary Ellen submitted a copy of her emailed summaries of the highlights of the two meetings which are attached as Attachment B
4.   MBTA   - Mary Ellen is watering the plantings and reported that the pansies look good.  She has MBTA insurance information that she needs to discuss with Ellen.  Amy noted that people are distributing various announcement handouts to those waiting for the trains.  She suggested that perhaps the Committee could do the same for Committee events.  She also noted that there is a bulletin board for notices as well.  

5.  Artist Row – Mary Ellen noted that the Food Network filmed the Shanty for one of its broadcasts.  She reported that plants and flowers were purchased from Northeast Nursery and that she, Maryanne, and Bev did the necessary cleanup and planting on May 26 and 27. Ellen was helpful as was Brad.  She noted that the roundabout looks good and that the resident artists are taking care of the litter.

6.  Other – Sandi discussed fund raising ideas such as a fall plant sale.  Maryanne offered mums from her garden.  It was suggested that we might hold a raffle for pre-planted flower boxes or other items.  A “taste of Salem” event on the Common was also suggested.   An event date scheduled for the first part of August was considered.

As to the traffic islands, the need for a water availability report was raised.  The engineering department is to be asked for this information so that problems islands with broken watering systems can be identified, solutions determined and corrections made.  

7.  New Business
        Halloween -  The discussion focused on the need for a theme, and the possibility of a fund raising event.  Amy is to check out what events are scheduled.

A motion to adjourn was offered, seconded and passed.  
The meeting concluded at 8:35 P.M.

Respectfully submitted

Judith Wolfe

Next Meeting:  July 27, 2010
Chairperson:  Marcia Lambert

                                                            ATTACHMENT A

6/22/10 - Traffic Island report for June

Riley Plaza - Several hours with Mary Ann Lyons of the Rotary edging and planting the two Plaza sections sponsored by the Rotary.

~~~ Two- to three-hour work party, 3 to 5 volunteers,~ every Friday morning 7:30 to 10:30 to clean up, thin out, apply four yards of mulch, five bags of humus and rotted cow~~~ manure, and add to Riley Plaza plantings.~

~~~ Removed remaining grass from intersection garden, set 3 achillea and catmint, and covered area with newspaper and mulch~ Add plants in the fall.~ Irrigation system does not do a good job of watering this area.

~ ~~~ Volunteers:~ Janis Manning, Marvin Johnson, Jack Melin, Sue Cole, Judith Wolfe, one homeless.

New garden under large Rotary sign - established with help of Rotary member Mary Ann Lyons and two strong men and a truck recruited by president of Rotary Bill Kielbasa.

~ ~~~ Requested and obtained from DPW director Rick Rennard the trimming of the hedges around the Rotary sign and parking lot, removal of trash trees.
~ ~~~ Rick has agreed to repave the potholed end of the Washington St. parking lot.
~ ~~~ Spoke to Jason Silva about the rusty newspaper box beside Bank of America's front door.~ He has reported it to Tom St. Pierre, nothing so far done about it.

Many hours at the bike island on Summer Street turning over the heavy, sour smelling, sometimes moldy, soil, pulling out weeds, and adding lime, perlite, and nitrogen fertilizer to amend it.~ Sponsor Salem Bicycle has paid for plantings and mulch.~~ Mostly to be lilies, marigolds, zinnia, profusion zinnia, portulaca, one Karl Foerster grass (moved to signal pole at walkway), and hosta.

Boys and Girls Club~ - Met with 3 B&G Club teens and volunteer Barbara Kelley to turn over, weed, and mulch the B&G Club garden on Hawthorne Blvd.

~~~ Replaced the six huge siberian iris with 3 Happy Returns day lilies and a blue catmint.~ A Karl Foerster grass~ already exists there.

~~~ Volunteers Barbara Kelley and Joann Kowalski worked with teens to plant flowers donated by Dominion.~ They will maintain the garden over the summer.

Sidewalk island on corner of Washington/Front~ - many hours spent turning over soil, pulling out very large rocks (and left there as ornaments) and adding plants and 5 bags mulch, to be paid for by new sponsor Treasures over Time.~ Planted Knock Out pink rose, 3 catmints, coreopolis, osteosporum.

Wash. Sq. No. median strip - Met with neighbors on the Common, Barbara Pervier and Barbara Shwatz, regarding their care of median strip island on Wash. Sq. North.~ Donated a bag of mulch and white wave petunia to them.~ They will plant, mulch, and care for the island but would like us to obtain a sponsor to pay for plants.

New sponsors this year:~~ Treasures over Time - Washington/Front Street corner sidewalk
~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ Taste of Asia - Essex/Summer/North intersection
~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ Historic Essex Street Association - Capt. Driver Park at corner
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ of Summer/Essex
~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ Cornerstone Bookstore - Norman St.
~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ Bertucci's - Vinnan Sq. intersection

Remaining unsponsored islands:~ Riley Plaza across from post office, Wash. Sq. North median strip

Most unusual island - Doll House on island of grass by Tache Realty.

~ Mary Whitney, who is spearheading sponsorship of Capt. Driver Park, notified the Veterans Services of the significance of Çapt. Driver (he called our flag Old Glory)~ and they held a little ceremony on Flag Day, bestowing a wreath on his memorial at the park; pictures and story made the Salem News.~

~ Many casual chats with "hosta fairy" Dave who stops by to encourage me on.~ Says his girl friend tells him he has got to stop donating all his time putting in plants in the Mill Street median strip and taking care of Holyoke.~ (She lives in Ecuador and wants him to come down and visit but he can't afford to go and he doesn't speak Spanish).~ I asked him where he gets all his hosta and lilies - all his good friends give them to him.~ There is now a white rose bush in bloom on the strip.~ The islands at the Summer St. intersection and Capt. Driver park have a large collection of the small polished stones which he advises that he collected.~ (Weeding them out is very time consuming but he doesn't feel he has time to help me do it.)~ I'm sure all the hosta on these islands, and some lilies, were planted by him.

~ Very much appreciated: - Excellent loam at the new Winter Island gardens made available to me by the City, for use in the traffic islands.~

S. Power
Attachment B

-Subject: "Lady of Salem" June 7 meeting notes
~Ahoy all,
~~~ Here are the highlights of our last meeting held~June 7~and attended by Sam, Mary Anne, Mary Ellen and our gracious hostess, Beverly.
~~~ Thanks to Sam's fantastic MooseFest information packet, the~topic of conversation focused~on:
  • Funding...where can Grant money or financial support~be found? (Federal-Salem Maritime National Historic Site, US NAVY/Coast Guard,State-MA Historical Commission, MA Art Commission,County-Essex National Heritage Commission,City-Salem Partnership)???
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....would organizations sharing a maritime historical connection help? (PEM/Maritime Society)
  • Soliciting...a collaboration with the PEM would be mutually beneficial. Partnering with PEM helps draw an interest in maritime history and art that reaches beyond the scope of the museum and transports it~to the residents/tourists throughout the city. It's art in motion!~Our art~project benefits by expanding the breath and depth of our maritime appeal through museum~association and added funding.
  • ActionPlan...Bev and Sam will make inquires to~various "in-the-know" individuals regarding grant monies...applications..availability..etc.??? Mary Anne will research PEM contacts and others "i-t-k"~for solicitation. Mary Ellen and Mary Anne will approach the PEM once a coherent proposal/pitch for collaboration is complete and approved. In preparation for this proposal, we need your input. To this.. end see below.
Please~email ideas/concerns for PEM solicitation (to all)~using this question as a starting point....~~
Why is it beneficial for PEM to join forces with the SBC's~ public art project?
Also discussed ...Changing the name of the project to..."Lady of Salem" Bowsprit..
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~... adding heft to the bowsprit using a pedestal mount...or ?? Any ideas???
Next meeting is Tuesday...June 22, 7pm at Mary Anne's gold colored~abode...20 Winter St.
Hope to see everyone there!
Mary Ellen832010_32818_0.png

Subject: Painted Ladies...May 3rd meeting
Hi all,
~~~ Here's a brief summary of our discussion....
  • Point/goal celebrate and foster awareness of Salem's vibrant maritime heritage.....unite business and art communities in an event that delights tourists and Salemites.....
  • Sam, Bev, and Mary Anne~will~check out~other project's methods of organizing/planning/execution...etc.
  • Future meetings~with the art and business members~to provide planning feedback and perspective.
  • Possibility of a~roll out of completed model for Heritage Days or later.
  • Publicity
  • Pedestal design
  • Complexity of drawing up a sponsor/artist contract.
  • Storyline
  • Exhibiting models and creating a poster to generate money
As I recall, a ~tentative date of Monday, June 7 at 6:30 or 7:00 was mentioned for the next meeting. Is that all-right for everyone? If not, let me know what works for you.
Thank you,
Mary Ellen832010_32818_0.png